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Monday, June 13, 2005

Gunn-isms: A Lexicon of Gunn Terminology

from the Gunns of Texas YahooGroup:

Have Gunn Will Travel: A Guide for Tent Captains

Annie Get Your Gunn: The Single Girl's Guide to Marrying Well

Johnny Got His Gunn: A Guide to the First Year Of Married Life

Gunns and Roses: A Guide to Gardening in Caithness

The Shakiest Gunn in the West: A Biography of Life in San Francisco

"My Daddy Was a Pistol and I'm a Son of a Gunn" by that famous Country and Western singer, Six Gunn McGunn

"Shot Gun[n] Boogie" by Tennessee Ernie Ford

"Either Peace or War"- Clan Gunn motto- what doesn't kill us better do enough damage to keep us from shooting back, and you'd better have a good pair of running ghillie brogues; or "Either Peace or War" - we're not picky

"We're Gunning for You" -unofficial motto of the Gunn Texas Branch

Water Gunn-any Gunn under the legal drinking age

Smoking Gunn -any Gunner satisfying their nicotine habit

Air Gunn-a Gunner with a pilot's license

Gunn Boat-a sailing vessel of Norse design having a single square sail

Big Gunns-Clan Gunn Commissioners and their Deputies

Gunn Cabinet-Clan Gunn Board of Directors

Gunn Smoke-the vapor trail left by Gunn recruiters in hot pursuit of new members

   1.) term used to describe recruiting efforts of other clans
   2.) what happens to commissioners of other clans that are too slow

Gunn Fight-annual Gunn/McKay Tug-O-War or Gunn family reunion

Gunn Fire-generic term for any cooking fire at a Clan Gunn event

Gunner-generic term for any Clan Gunn member

Gunn Room-
   1.) that which we are always short of,
   2.) any tent space located next to the Gunn tents that is left unguarded

Gunn Shot-any libation found in copious amounts where Gunns gather (see definition of "Gunn Barrel")

Gunn Shy-term used to describe any non-Gunn Clan Commissioner

Gunn Wale-plaintive moan heard when the Talisker barrel runs dry

Gunn Control-any effort on the part of another Clan to restrict Clan Gunn expansion (illegal in most places)

Gunn Laws-Raghnild's Rules of Order for Clan Management

Gunn Slinger-
   1.) any Clan member participating in the hammer throw at a Scottish festival,
   2.) any member toting a whisky flask

Arsenal- any place where Gunns tend to gather, as at the Gunn tent

Gunn Barrel - a single serving of beverage (alcoholic or otherwise) for a Gunner, typically with a disposable top or plug

Gunn Cleaner-a less than exceptional whisky consumed by Gunners solely because
   a) it came from Scotland,
   b) it is a single malt, or c) it was free

Gunn Rack-a horizontal surface on which a Gunner sleeps, i.e. ground behind a Gunn tent

Gunn Safe-
   1.) small metal box containing revenues of the branch,
   2.) what other Clan commissioners feel when there are no Gunners around

Gunn Sight-
   1.) the extraordinary visual acuity that permits Gunns to see potential members in just about anybody, or at any range
   2.) what one loses when they consume Gunn cleaner

Gunn Stock-the collection of Gunn related items for sale in the Clan tent

   1.) horse belonging to a gunner,
   2.) an item or topic which angers a Gunn (sets a Gunn off) i.e. the use of "Viking" as a noun

Gunn Swab- a sailor aboard a Gunn Ship

Gunn Report-articles submitted for the quarterly newsletter

Gunn Runner-
   1.) an athletic Clan member,
   2.)enthusiastic recruiter of new members

Gunn Powder-powder used to reduce that annoying chafing

Gunn cotton-Gunn tartan with no wool content worn by Gunners with allergies to wool

Concealed Gunn-
   1.) potential member who just has not yet found a Gunn ancestor,
   2.) an unknown Gunn ancestor

The Gunns of Navarone-
   1.) an epic migration of Gunns;
   2.) little known Scottish World War II commando unit

Loose Gunn-
   1.) smaller version of a loose cannon
   2.) any unattended Gunn child,
   3.) any Gunn descendant who has not signed up or renewed their membership

Six Gunn-weapon of choice for the Earls of Caithness (roughly equivalent to twelve Keith)

Shot Gunn-
   1.) Gunner that has been rode hard and put away wet,
   2.) how a Gunn commissioner feels after a festival

Squirt Guns-minor children of a Gunn

Gunn Ho-
   1.) battle cry,
   2.) unswerving dedication and loyalty to Clan Gunn

Gunnery Tables-large tables used at festivals to hold edibles, usually over loaded

Gunn Sale-what happens to Gunn merchandise

Gunn Dog-faithful companion to any Gunn

Gunn Man-an unco braw male clansman

Gunn Mettle- the courage and fortitude typically shown by Gunns

Gunn Carriage-vehicle used to transport tents and other supplies necessary to Clan tent operations at festivals

Lock, Stock, and Barrel-what happens at the end of the day at the Gunn tent, they Lock up the Gunn Stock and break out the Gunn Barrel

Cap Gunn-a small pewter musket kilt pin sometimes worn as a bonnet ornament by discriminating Gunns

Gunn Show-
   1.) the opening parade at a Scottish/Celtic festival where the Gunns have a tent
   2.) an unfortunate incident involving a Gunner sitting down in his new first kilt.

Great Gunns-do you really have to ask??

posted by Marc Gunn @ Monday, June 13, 2005



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