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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Black Cat Halloween Myths Explained

by Mark Mason's Cat

Once again - in the effort to dispel myths, to discern fact from fiction - I endeavor to set the record straight on Halloween and cats. Why I must do this every year is beyond me, but there seem to be more and more myths that surface with each Halloween. I humbly offer my take on the human pagan holiday.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: Black cats are looked on by some people as witches.
FACT: All other cats can be just as bewitching. I'm betting a feline friend has cast a spell on you. Humans are so easy.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: Cats were thought to be psychic.
FACT: If you consider we don't speak and can read humans like a book, then that's psychic. *We* call it feline intuition.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: Felines are associated with the night, stealth, and mystery,
FACT: It's why we make eat during the daytime, make loud noises when we knock things over, and leave ourselves widely available for petting and scratching behind the ears. It adds balance to our lives.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: Dress your cat up for Halloween. He or she will love it.
FACT: If you do, YOU will look like you just starred in a slasher movie.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: If you see a cat while out on Halloween night, turn and go back where you came from.
FACT: Preposterous. But, frankly, not a bad tenet to abide by every night of the year.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: The black cat at Halloween is a symbol of fertility.
FACT: Forget it. It's too cold outside.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: In some countries, if a black cat crosses your path, you will have GOOD luck.
FACT: Every Powerball or Lottery player knows this is false.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: Some people believe that if you talk nice to a cat or stroke the cat 3 times, it will make the bad luck go away and bring good luck.
FACT: Actually, it is three times, *then repeat.* Three times, then repeat. Over and over and over, until the good luck comes your way. If you stop before then, it's your own darn fault.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: Stroking the tail of a black cat will cure a pink-eye.
FACT: So will antibiotics. And you won't lose a limb in the process.

HALLOWEEN MYTH: Thirteen cats in a theater are bad luck.
FACT: Then how do you explain the wild success of 'Cats'?

HALLOWEEN MYTH: Some people considered black cats a demon in disguise.
FACT: So are the rest of us. When we want to be. Frankly, black cats are just cats with black fur.

Happy Halloween.

It was a good day.

Find out more about Mark Mason and his Cat. Get your copy of Mark Mason's cat's amazing Cat Diary today.

posted by Marc Gunn @ Wednesday, October 26, 2005



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